Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Day 3

Well, a pretty good day 2 - up to 4515 words now, so am over target by just over 1100 words - but likely will need that as a buffer for tonight as I'm seeing James Ellroy in London, so probably won't have much time tonight, but no doubt loads of inspiration instead !

Sunday, 1 November 2009

NaNo day one.

Well, so far, not too bad.
Last night (Halloween) I sat and wrote 2200 words as a storyline guide - yes, this is allowed, as long as you don't actually start writing the story before 1st November.
This is the first time I think I've ever worked to something where I more or less know the whole story - just hope I don't get bored by that fact, as I usually just jump in and start and see where it takes me.
Today, in a couple of sessions, I've got together around 1400 words so far, so nearly at the 1667 I need by close of play today - but keep having to remember, this is a Sunday and tomorrow it's back to the day job and everything else that'll slow things up.